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Testosterone enanthate

Testosterone enanthate

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Testosterone Enanthate Steroid Short Ester in Supertest 450mg Lab Supplier

Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate
250mg/ml - 100ml
25 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (18.75ml)
2ml BA (2%)
10ml BB (10%)
69.25ml Oil

Quick detials :

Welcome to our online store , please feel free to contact me if you're interested in our items . We are a big preffesional supplier in China ,there are high quality raw powders , painless injectable oils and pharmaceutical peptides . Wholesale price will be sent to you when you want to make long term business with us . Special package picture and unqiue channel will share with you within our cooperations ,10kg ,25kg and more powders are available from us to send .

Synonym:Primoteston Depot ; Testosterone enanthate;Test e ; Enanject 250
CAS No.: 315-37-7
M.F.: C26H40O3
M.W.: 400.59
Reference Standard: EP5
Appearance: White to yellowish-white crystalline powder
Dosage:Average Dose: Men 250-1000 mg/week
Half life: 15-16 days
Usage: Testosterone Enanthate is a slow acting release form of the testosterone hormone, and is one of the most commonly used testosterones to treat the people lacking of testosterone .The side effect of using testosterone enanthate we are easy to control . Everyone like it because it was necessary .

Finshed Testosterone enanthate in 10ml vials specification:

Enanject 200 (Testosterone enanthate) 200mg/ml
Enanject 250 (Testosterone enanthate) 250mg/ml
Enanject 400 (Testosterone enanthate) 400mg/ml
Enanject 600 (Testosterone Enanthate) 600mg/ml

Testosterone enanthate descriptions:

Testosterone enanthate is a slow acting ester with a release time between 8-10 days. Testosterone enanthate is typically injected anywhere between once every week to once every three weeks. Testosterone propionate is a fast-acting ester with a release time of 3-4 days. To keep blood levels from fluctuating greatly, testosterone propionate is usually injected between one to three times a week.

Testosterone Enanthate is an anabolic steroid that is perfect for low testosterone . If your body is cannot produce enough testosterone ,you could suffer from low testosterone .

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